Net Art in the Bermuda Triangle (2024)

Group exhibition co-curated with Maria Luís Neiva
at CAAA Center for Art and Architecture Affairs, in Guimarães
7 September – 2 November 2024

Despite the respectability that digital art deserves today, there are still few initiatives that contribute to experiencing art practices related to the internet in Portugal. Net Art in the Bermuda Triangle, contributions to a reflection about art and the internet in Portugal is an exhibition that brings together documents of diverse techno culture events held in the country, since 1995, and art projects created for the internet by Portuguese artists and digital art enthusiasts

Beatriz Albuquerque, Daniel Pinheiro & Annie Abrahams, Pizz Buin, Rui Torres, Susana Mendes Silva, wr3ad1ng d1g1t5, Luísa Ribas & João Cruz, Mário Cameira, Rudolfo Quintas, Alice dos Reis, Miguel Carvalhais & Pedro Tudela & Rodrigo Carvalho, Joana Chicau and Luís Fernandes.

The exhibition includes 3 live performances
at CAAA Black Box by

Joana Chicau Tango for Us Too
7 September*

Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela and Rodrigo Carvalho 30 x n
12 October*

Luís Fernandes Live Electronics
2 November*

*at 6 pm GMT. These performances will be streamed in caaa’s social media.

Tour by scholar Maria Teresa Cruz
12 October at 4 pm GMT
with ICNOVA-UNL partnership

Talk with Maria Mire, Aida Castro, and Luis Rivero-Moreno
2 November at 4pm GMT, online in caaa’s social media


Communication design and Web design by Mariana Rosa

#Exhibition #Net art #Net art in Portugal #Digital art #Everybody working together #CAAA