Exhibiting and Collecting Interrogative Design
Book chapter, 2024
This essay reflects about the processes of converting Interrogative Design into museum object in an era where the role of museums of art is changing. Considering that one of the purposes of The Homeless Vehicle by Krzysztof Wodiczko is to establish a performative space between passers-by and users, how to display the ephemeral aspects that bear witness to its use?
Book title: Interrogative Design
Editor: Ian Wojtowicz
Authors: Dora Apel, Dan Borelli, Rosalyn Deutsche, Harrell Fletcher, Pete Ho Ching Fung, Dana Gordon, Sara Hendren, Garnet Hertz, Sohin Hwang, Ekene Ijeoma, Marisa Morán Jahn, Mark Jarzombek, Jaekyung Jung, Sung Ho Kim, Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Pia Lindman, Ani Liu, Andrew Todd Marcus, Matthew Mazzotta, Alex Milton, Max Mollon, Mariana Morais, Antoni Muntadas, Gauri Nagpal, Maria Niro, Ginger Nolan, Robert Ochshorn, Adam Ostolski, Sofia Ponte, Gustavo Romeiro, Natalia Romik, Warren Sack, Kirk Savage, Nitin Sawhney, Sanjit Sethi, Samein Shamsher, James Shen, Carl Solander, Richard Streitmatter-Tran, Orkan Telhan, Bruce M. Tharp, Stephanie M. Tharp, Zenovia Toloudi, Marek Wasilewski, Lani Watson, Sampson Wong, and Ben Wood.
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 978-026-204-865-1
336 pages
More info at MIT Press.
Net Art, the B Side of Digital Art: Reflections about its Exhibition and Collection
Book chapter, 2024
This essay is part of my ongoing study about net art in Portugal. I reflect about the absence of net art made by Portuguese artists on the channels available in the country for its memory and future enjoyment. The book brings together several topics related to digital art discussed by diverse academics and experts.
Book title: Arte, Digital, Academia, Museu Zer0
Editors: Miguel Carvalhais and Luísa Ribas
Authors: Miguel Carvalhais; Liliana Coutinho; Sofia Ponte; Gilbertto Prado; Luísa Ribas; Luis D. Rivero-Moreno; Mirian Tavares; Pedro Alves da Veiga.
Publisher: Museu Zer0
ISBN: 978-989-9049-70-3
178 pages
More info at Museu Zer0.
(Portuguese Only)
The Key role of Etheline Rosas in the Musealization of Modern and Contemporary Art in Brazil and Portugal
Book chapter, 2024
This essay reflects about Etheline Rosas’s role in the founding and operation of the CAC Center for Contemporary Art in Porto, Portugal (1976-1980).
Book title: Centro de Arte Contemporânea – 50 Anos | A Democratização Vivida [Making Art Democratic]
Coordinator: Ana Anjos Mântua
Authors: Adelaide Duarte, Miguel von Hafe, Leonor de Oliveira, António Ponte, Sofia Ponte, Inês Silvestre and Joaquim Pinto Vieira
Publisher: Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis
ISBN: 978-026-204-865-1
303 pages
More info at MNSR.
(Portuguese and English)
Etheline Rosas: a Modern Art Conservator, an Art Dealer, and Museologist
Book chapter, 2024
This essay focuses on Etheline Rosas’s contribution to the collection and exhibition of Modern Art in S. Paulo, Brazil, and later in Porto, Portugal. The book brings together many interesting case studies of galleries run by women who also devoted their lives to the promotion of contemporary art at large.
Book title: Women Art Dealers. Creating Markets for Modern Art, 1940–1990
Editors: Véronique Chagnon-Burke and Caterina Toschi
Authors: Christina Brandberg; Antonella Camarda; Carlotta Sylos Calò; Carlotta Castellani; Adelaide Duarte; Véronique Chagnon-Burke; Alice Ensabella; Federico Freschi & Lara Koseff; Francesca Gallo; Elena Korowin; Luigia Lonardelli; Lisa Parolo; Sofia Ponte; Pietro Rigolo; A. Deirdre Robson; Ilaria Schiaffini; Isabella Seniuta; Caterina Toschi; Doris Wintgens.
Publisher: Bloomsbury (Contextualizing Art Markets Collection)
ISBN: 978-135-029-245-1
316 pages
More info at Bloomsbury.
Quando eu Grito Quem me Ouve: aspects on Cyberfeminism and Cyberscreams
Book chapter with Izabel Rosa, 2023
This essay reflects about architect Izabel Rosa free-style blog quandoeugritoquemmeouve.art as an instance of cyberfeminism. Since it was made public, in June 2022, it has received various interactions, some of which indicate that the internet continues to ratify many of the heteronormative power structures that one recognises in “real” space.
Book title: Cross Media Arts: Social Arts and Collaboration
Editors: Paula Reaes Pinto, António Gorgel Pinto and Sérgio Vicente
Authors: Katie Adams; Ramon Santana de Aguiar; Susana Barreto; Noemia Iglesias Barrios; Hugo Cruz; Helena Elias; Vera Fritsche; Eduardo L. Freitas; Alistair Fuad-Luke; Renata Gaspar; Paulo Lameiro; Claúdia Lima; Nuno Martins; Paula Miranda; Jessy Medernach; Ticiano Nemer; Inês Brás Oliveira; Eliana Penedos-Santiago; Sofia Ponte; Tiago Porteiro; Matteo Pra Mio; Izabel Rosa; Tiago Mota Saraiva; Fátima Gonçalves da Silva; Katie Taylor; Sérgio Vicente
Publisher: Editora Caleidoscópio
ISBN: 978-989-658-793-2
286 pages
More info at ACADEMIA.
How Jorge Vieira’s Sculpture found Public Space between 1980 and 2000
Book chapter, 2021
This essay is part of the exhibition catalogue Jorge Vieira: Monument to the Unknown Political Prisoner. It brings together aspects of Portuguese artist Jorge Vieira (1922-1998) contemporary sculpture in public space between 1980 and 2000, and reflects on his contributions to public art in Portugal.
Book title: Jorge Vieira: Monumento ao Prisioneiro Político Desconhecido
Editors: Leonor Oliveira and Paula Loura Batista
Authors: Leonor Oliveira; Paula Loura Batista; Paula Barreiro López; Sofia Ponte
Publisher: Museu do Neorealismo / Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira
ISBN: 978-989-531218-1-8
150 pages
More info at CM VFX.
(Portuguese Only)
Transforming Functional Art into Museum Object
Book, 2020
This book studies the exhibition and collection of functional art by museums of art. Filling a gap in the field of Museum Studies the research takes for analysis three artworks and each social life: The Homeless Vehicle (1988) by Krzysztof Wodiczko, paraSite (1998) by Michael Rakowitz and Victory Gardens+ (2007) by Amy Franceschini.
Author: Sofia Ponte
Publisher: Editora Caleidoscópio and Direção Geral do Património Cultural
ISBN: 978-989-658-654-6
190 Pages
More info at Património Cultural.
(Portuguese Only)
Body, Space, Matter
Book co-editor, 2020

The book joins essays by artists and/or researchers whose PhD research relates to the Body, Space, Matter lectures with Eliana Sousa Santos, Miguel Bonneville, Claire Santa Coloma, Cristiana Felgueiras and Hugo Oliveira, between 2018 and 2020, at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.
Editors: Rute Rosas and Sofia Ponte
Authors: Constança Babo; Bruno Ministro; Paula Neves; Sofia Ponte; Rute Rosas; Ana Temudo; Inês Veloso
Publisher: Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS) / Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
ISBN: 978-989-54703-6-5
108 pages
More info at CEM Website.
(Portuguese and English)
The Value of Doing and the Value of Seeing Done: The Concept of Drawing of Rui Inácio
Book chapter, 2017
The essay included in the exhibition catalogue The Sea is Alive and Does Not Speak, focus in the art practice of Rui Inácio. I suggest that to “see something done”, in art terms, can provide enjoyable moments for the public that is moved by conceptual and material challenges artists face while working in their studio.
Book title: Rui Inácio: o Mar é Vivo e não Fala
Authors: Sara Antónia Matos; Sofia Ponte
Publisher: Galerias Municipais/EGEAC
ISBN: 978-989-8167-60-6
70 pages
More info at Academia.
(Portuguese and English)
About Painting
Book editor, 2017
The book brings together essays by students enrolled in the graduate courses Current Art Theories and Practices and Theory and History of Painting, from 2014 to 2017, at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. Based in class readings and discussions, students developed research that relate their art practice with Painting, highlighting some of the central debates in Contemporary Art.
Editor: Sofia Ponte
Authors: Abigail Ascenso; Franciso Laranjo; Tiago Madaleno; Joana Patrão; Daniela Pinheiro; Sofia Ponte; Mariana Poppovic; Ivan Postiga; Regina Ramos; Carolina Vieira
Publisher: Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS)/Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
ISBN: 978-989-756-124-8
159 pages
More info at Academia.
(Portuguese Only)
Musealizing Functional Art
Book chapter, 2015
This essay discusses the exhibition of functional art, using ‘paraSITE’ (1998) by Michael Rakowitz as an example, through the concept of ethnographic object by anthropologist Joaquim Pais de Brito, and the concept of remain by curator Marie Brugerolle. I suggest that ethnography helps to understand the meaning(s) of ‘functional artworks’ in the context of museums.
Book title: Sustainable Art – Facing the Need for Regeneration, Responsibility and Relations
Editor: Anna Markowska
Authors: Dean Chatwin; Albert Coers; Joanna Filipczyk; Zoryana Hnetsko; Ewelina Jankowiak; Agnieszka Jankowska-Marzec; Eleonora Jedlińska; Irma Kozina; Natalia Krawczyk; Robert Kusek; Dorota Łagodzka; Nicole Loeser, Anna Markowska; Reiner Maria Matysik; Małgorzata Micuła; Jean-Francois Paquay; Filip Pręgowski; Sofia Ponte; Zofia Reznik; Joanna Zofia Rose; Mateusz Salwa; Patrycja Sikora; Natalia Smolyanskaya, Sue Spaid, Mikołaj Spodaryk, Lisa Paul Streitfeld, Wojciech Szymański, Esra Yıldız, Rebecca Liliane Wichmann; Daria Wartalska; Ewa Wojtowicz; Magdalena Worłowska.
Publisher: Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
ISBN: 978-83-62737-89-5
315 Pages
More info at Ibuk.
Fernando Lanhas
Book chapter, 2010
This short essay focus on Portuguese artist Fernando Lanhas (1923-2012) and in his oil painting “032-60” (1960). The book 100 Artworks in the CAM Collection, includes essays about one hundred artworks by artists of the 20th century, that are part of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation art collection.
Book title: 100 Obras da Colecção do CAM
Authors: Lígia Afonso; Ana Filipa Candeias; Isabel Lopes Cardoso; Isabel Carlos; Maria Coutinho; Catarina Crua; Sara Afonso-Ferreira; Emília Ferreira; Helena de Freitas; Luís Henriques; Joana Simões Henriques; Margarita Kataga; Joana Cunha Leal; Leonor Nazaré; José Oliveira; João Pinharanda; Sofia Ponte; Afonso Ramos; Patrícia Rosas; Marina Bairrão Ruivo; André Silveira; António Soares; Sandra Santos; Mariana Pinto dos Santos; Ana Vasconcelos.
Publisher: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Edições Almedina
ISBN: 978-972-635-210-5
214 Pages
More info at Gulbenkian.
(Portuguese and English)